SEO analysis and optimization

Get an SEO analysis for your website now.

The Office Canadien du Commerce's expert SEO consultants will analyze your website's content and propose solutions to attract the highest volume of visitors according to your target clientele.

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Don't let your website go unnoticed by potential customers! Our SEO strategies are developed by certified SEO experts.

Did you know that...

Keyword strategy and SEO optimization are an integral part of our website design service.

Full SEO analysis of your website

Before embarking on an SEO strategy, it's essential to carry out an SEO audit of your website, in order to analyze the criteria influencing your position in organic search results. Identifying your site's strengths and weaknesses enables us to provide you with tailor-made recommendations for improving your SEO.

The SEO audit examines your online presence and website performance. It identifies the keywords most searched for by your targets, analyzes your sector, your geographical area and the strategies of your main competitors.

The SEO analysis will also examine the technical and structural aspects of your site, the on-site audit, as well as the inbound links, the off-site audit, which, if they are of poor quality, can adversely affect your positioning.

Get your SEO report for free!

We use the best analysis tools available on the market to carry out your SEO analysis and identify the elements that are hindering your natural referencing. Your comprehensive report will provide clear explanations of the actions you need to take to improve your organic search engine optimization (SEO) to ensure a consistent, free online presence and optimal positioning on the various search engines!

For more information, please contact one of our consultant by dialing the


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SEO analysis | A strategy to reach your visibility goals

Keyword analysis

In-depth keyword analysis remains the foundation of effective and efficient SEO. Our expert SEO consultants will identify the most relevant keywords used by your prospects when they query one of your products or services on the various search engines.

SEO OPTIMIZATION | on-page . on-site

Once your keywords are perfectly targeted, we'll optimize your content as well as the technical and structural aspects of your site: architecture, content indexing, internal linking, speed, mobile compatibility, calls to action, etc. We'll make sure your website meets all your requirements. We'll make sure your website meets all your requirements.

Creating external links

The acquisition of inbound links (backlinks) is one of the most important criteria for improving your ranking in search results. Google considers these links as an indicator of the quality and relevance of your site. Our specialists will design a campaign to acquire quality links from relevant, reputable sites. This effective strategy will increase your website's authority on the web.


We now have three (3) locations in the Greater Montreal area to serve you better.