Marketing Grant

Your marketing project grant in 8 easy steps


The grant range from 30% to 80% of project costs


Company must have had 10 or more employees for one year


The company must be able to pay the deposit and initial fees according to the mandate.


The project must total $15,000 or more


Approval usually takes 2 to 3 weeks.


The project must be of a digital, marketing, HR, strategy or Web nature


85% of grant applications are accepted


Our subsidy partner takes care of everything*.

*Our subsidy partner, HelloDarwin®, takes care of all the subsidy procedures in exchange for a percentage of the total amount of your marketing project: 25% for a project of $15,000 to $20,000, 17.5% for a project of $20,000 to $75,000 or 15% for a project of $75,000 or more.

Additional information

Each project is analyzed separately

The number of employees, the board of directors and location of the company are all taken into account in the evaluation. The company's financial stability and growth also make it eligible for a larger grant.

What are the criteria for acceptance?

Your company must :

  • Have 10 or more employees for at least one year
  • Have a digital, marketing, human relations, strategy or web project
  • Have a project worth at least $15,000
  • Ability to pay the deposit and other fees according to the mandate from the outset

Do I have to pay to apply for a marketing grant?

Our subsidy partner, Hello Darwin®, takes a percentage of subsidies awarded only. So there are no additional costs in the event of refusal.

What are my chances of being accepted?

All types of industry are eligible for financing, and the acceptance rate is around 85%.

How long will it take to be accepted?

You must be in a position to pay the deposit and other fees according to the mandate from the outset. Approval usually takes 2 to 3 weeks.

To find out more or to apply for a grant, fill in the form below now and one of our marketing specialists will contact you shortly.

Le minimum est de 15 000$ pour être éligible à la subvention.

Maintenant trois (3) adresses dans la région du Grand Montréal pour mieux vous servir.