Without a doubt, everyone, young or old, has dreamed or has a nagging dream of starting a business. Something about becoming an entrepreneur has ignited within us. It's a great feeling, an impeccable desire, unfortunately, starting a business and staying profitable in it is very hard work and, measured on a scale of 1 to 10, the chance of having a successful startup is only 5. This means it's a risk but not the end of the journey. Instead of having to cross the stressful ocean of having to create a business from scratch and gamble away your loaned or hard-earned money, you can simply sign up to buy already successful businesses. Buying an established business poses less risk to your capital for many reasons. One of them is the fact that it has already proven to be a successful business. Other advantages of buying a business versus building one from scratch were discussed in one of our articles and you can check them out. Just know that buying an existing business takes the stress away and lets you concentrate on what's most important.

Now that you know the benefits and want to invest in buying a business, what's the next step?

When you start your program to buy your ideal business, you quickly realize that your ultimate success will depend on two primary skill sets. The first is your ability to find viable companies that are for sale, while the second is your ability to effectively qualify the potential acquisition investment once found. Assuming that you have clearly defined your business buying criteria and have decided to only look for companies that are officially for sale, instead of looking for and contacting business owners who might be willing to sell, you will need to explore as many ways as possible to find companies for sale. As a business buyer, you want to use the best possible means to position yourself to make the most of your most promising acquisition candidates, and to do so in the most cost-effective way possible.

You can try searching for offers yourself, or you can simply be creative and let OCC do the work for you. Office Canadien du Commerce is a business services agency that gives users the tools they need to achieve all their goals and propel their business to the top. As an investor, you can register with OCC and be the first to know about opportunities in companies that are about to sell or are currently selling. Registering with a broker like OCC has many advantages, and we'll help you not only to find a company to buy, but also every step of the way. Below are some of the benefits of listing with OCC.


One of the most important things to consider when buying a business is market value. Buying a business by paying more than its fair value is a bad deal. As a reputable business broker, OCC knows how to value the business so that it accurately reflects the company's current and future earning potential.


Keeping things private is the basic rule in business transactions. You have to make sure you don't accidentally reveal confidential company information. This can be difficult for an individual, but as a commercial broker, the OCC helps you sign a confidentiality agreement that prevents us from revealing confidential information.


To avoid spilling confidential information, you need to control the details. The OCC won't just make you offers, we'll take care of all the details involved in buying a business. We'll carry out the business prospecting and provide all the necessary details during the buying process.


OCC has decades of experience in buying and selling businesses. We know how to find potential businesses based on individual customer preferences. You don't have to worry about having to go out of your way to find the right company for you. OCC has the right tool.


Now that we know your business preference and your budget limit, why not let us negotiate a lot for you. We use the information we obtain about the company during the business valuation, and then negotiate with the seller.

Ready to get the business you want, quickly and easily?

So register with the Office Canadien du Commerce today.


We now have three (3) locations in the Greater Montreal area to serve you better.